Last of the Fall leaves
The maple trees are almost the last to shed their leaves for the winter.
But being among the last does not mean they are any less colorful than all
Your Path Into the Light of Christ
Visit this post on my site: Your Path Into the Light of Christ
There is a lovely road that runs northeast from Mesa, Arizona into the
mountains. These mo...
Plumbing the Depths of Ignorance on Social Media
- Lately, I have been involved
with an ongoing issue with one of the major social networking websites. One
of ...
2020 Goals
Here are my goals for 2020! I'm excited for the things I'm going to learn
and accomplish this year!
*Goal 1: Learn about poetry and sample the works of 11 ...
Objectivity, Quantum Mechanics, and Bad Logic
Recently I read a paper where some physicists were testing interesting
repercussions of quantum mechanics. Their work made eye-grabbing headlines
such as O...
August and school begins 2017
August began with Alan on a two-day work trip to Las Vegas. On August 1st
I had CPI training and then on August 2-4 I began our school district's New
Family Fun at Fanning Springs
The last Saturday of summer was dedicated to family fun. We drove an hour
to nearby Fanning Springs. The water was cool (72 degrees year round), but
it fel...
They Get Everything Wrong
Throughout my adult life, I've been a skeptic. Back in the days before
social science departments fell prey to fill-in-the-blank studies,
professors in t...
A new jungle gym
During July, Kirk's father built a new jungle gym for the children. Here is
the progress, in photos.
And it is mostly done. We will add a suns...
Our Big Winter Storm
We are experiencing a big winter storm. OK, so maybe SLC is getting a big
storm and we are getting a few snowflakes. However, I thought it was
Using inappropriate language or slang
One of the most common indicators of the lack of refinement, good manners,
and education in our society is the tendency to use vulgar or inappropriate
I made yogurt!
It was amazing.
After several months of thinking about it, I finally did the research and
made 1/2 gallon of yogurt in my slow cooker (Crockpot). I tried t...
Christmas Reading List for Children
These are the picture books that we read this year to put us in a festive
spirit. I wrote about how we actually go about reading the books here.
The books...
Incapacitated vs. Testamentary Capacity
The Arizona Statutes have a definition for an incapacitated person. The
Statute reads as follows:
Any person who is impaired by reason of mental illness, m...
Culture Passes
The public libraries here in the Valley have a new program that allows us
to check out a "Culture Pass" for various museums around the valley. There
are Cu...
Cactus Blossoms at Boyce Thompson
A couple of days ago, I posted a short overview of our visit to Boyce
Thompson Arboretum. Since Highway 60 has just been widened to four lanes
most of the ...
And yet none of the local public libraries has a copy. Guess I'll have to buy it to read it.